I've wanted to goto school for this since the beginning, so naturally, when the opportunity arose, both Stuntz and I jumped on it. And it wasn't bad- classes could've been better but we were able to bond with many of our fellow classmates by the end of the week, and of course that's what *really* counts, heh... And of course, we had our little bit of free time that we always tend to spend so wisely...
And of course our instructors - SFC Trimble, SSG Huber and SGT Love were all pretty cool, however very much different and interesting in their own ways, hehe...
Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures while we were there, but there's a few here for ya....
Here's a part of the RTI Center, currently only housing the teeny-weeny PX there...

And here we have the good ol' snack bar (aka chow hall) hehe

Here's some of us after the big barbeque, Kilgore, Hurt, Stewart and Williams... what a bonding experience, hehe
