Well, how about a little story? One year after completion of PLDC, I get sent to BNCOC Phase I. The idea of going did not exactly appeal to me, but in a way it's good since I'm so young, I can get it out of the way and done with before my body falls apart and I can't pass my PT anymore, right? Well, I knew that beign as young as I am would suck- hell, the majority of the people at PLDC were much older than me so I figured BNCOC would be worse. It was. I was most definitly the youngest person there. And of course I heard about it. Even at the gate when showing my ID, the MPs were blown away that I even have my SGT already, not to mention the fact that I made it to BNCOC so soon.
But anyhoo, I had a rough time. I barely passed my run (by 12 seconds) and I got real sick on day 2. I ended up at sick call for the first time ever on day 4 or 5 and I was put on bedrest cuz I had bronchitis and was very contagious. I was so freakin sick I wanted to die. I called home in tears on numerous occasion wanting to just come home and say *screw it*, but I stuck it out somehow for the entire 2 weeks. I was so out of it the first week that one of my SGLs began to treat me like I was slow in class, because I could not focus or even look at the book for longer than a few seconds. But, by the time to test came, even after not doing any homework or reading assignments, I managed to pass. My PT session wasn't the greatest but I survived. My D&C was perfect, I had no problem with that at all. It really wasn't *that* bad. Worst part was giving that 2 hour long class. And really I didn't do well with that, but I was first so there was a bit of leeway there, hehe.
I didn't bond with my classmates as well as I would've liked, but that was probly due to the fact that I was so sick the whole time and I couldn't go out with them like I really wanted to. Can you beleive that?! BAH! Here's the list of names of my wonderful supportive classmates under the direction of our SGLs SFC Baker and SSG Dolan: SSG Bero, SSG Bowman, SGT Hannan, SGT Hegeman, SGT Johnson, SGT McDonald, SGT Ragin, SGT Range, SGT Talko, SGT Trower, and me! And we lost SGT Witten after the first PT test, he'll be back though, he was alright, best of luck to him, WOO HOO! I must say that of all of them, SSG Bero was my hero. He was one of those instigator-types, but not so bad that he couldn't apologize when he put his foot in his mouth, hehe. He kept me goin with his "Can I get a HOOAH?"s, LOL. And although by the end of the course, SGT Ragin was real close to being thrown down a flight of stairs by any one of us (she was my roomate too, heehee), it was still all good. I'll put up our little PLT pic we got taken, I'm not in it though, they took the pic the day I was out on bedrest- Wah? hehe ah well... 