Lets start off by saying that most of our *veteran* AT attendees had either retired or transferred and whatnot...SO most of our leadership consisted of newbies to the unit, or rookies altogether, including our CO, who we didn't know yet. Getting there was not too bad, although all the 5-Tons somehow missed the last exit and we ended up waiting for hours in the staging area for them to finally arrive. The first few days were the usual evaluation days, though somehow the evaluation seemed to never cease. Stand-to lasted the entire 2 weeks, and halfway thru we started doing stand-down (thats a first ever for me)... so anyway, it was another good time, and a learning experience as always.. glad I could make it, hehe...

Hey, we gotta have a good time before we get there

Ya know, I think I may have had my very first sleep-walking experience this night. I remember beingwalked to my room around midnight, and I know I hadn't had much to drink at all. But somehow I suddenly awoke all confused trying to figure out why I was standing outside of my door, how I got there, and I remember my initial thought was "wuh oh, I don't know where my key is". My watch told me it was like 3 AM and in some odd effort to not wake up Wansor (my roomate), I took the elevator 4 floors down to the front desk where I decided to help myself to the phone so I could call her and ask her to open the door for me. Why I didn't just knock while I was up there, I dunno...? LOL

Me and SGT Boyd got to drive the weapons truck this year

SPC Thompson and SGT Boyd were a bit reluctant to put on the camo

Our toothless camo tradition continues

PV2 Benninger is one of our supply guys, he's always hooking us up

SPC Stuntz and I are just doing our thang...