Well, here's some pics from this years AT- at FT. Pickett, VA. Lovely place, ya know what I'm talking about if you've been there. Can't wait to go back, LOL. Okay, so *I* had fun; I had little clue as to what was really going on, I know I had a radio and I walked alot and played a game called" solve everyone's problems"... hehe. funfun! Oh yeah.. well, long story short, we played perimeter defense this year so yeah, we sat in foxholes all day pretty much... yay? yay.

Here's some high speed soldiers for ya- Bowen and Wilson getting ready for their OPFOR mission and Felege probly heading for the road again 

This is the man we bow down to in the field... there's nothing like a freshly cleaned Port-O-John. In fact, it's not unusual to find some of us playing "Paper, Scissors, Rock" to see who gets to use it first :). If you've ever heard any of McStraw's backsplash horror stories, you'd understand, LOL Just ask SPC Shaner what happens when you leave your kevlar under your tractor trailer and drive away... teehee 
For the first time ever in the history of ATs, we had "Commanders Time"- WOO HOO! 

Hooray for tactical chow! 
