Back at Fort Lee for Phase II, was the crew of 4 from my unit this time- me, SPC Stuntz, SGT Sterling (aka Mad Dog), and SFC Smith. SFC Smith and Mad Dog were taking the 77F course, but we were all pretty much in the same boat together. Two long fun entertaining weeks of fine edumacation- WOO HOO!

And here's our class, minus our destructor, SFC Trimble: SSG Love, SPC Stuntz, SSG Musik, SPC Stewart, SSG Bolick, SPC Hazen, SPC Kilgore, PFC Miller, SPC Robertson, SPC Ryles, SGT Fulton, SGT Sears, SPC Williams, PFC Lee, SPC Kha, SGT Cannon, SPC Carpenter, SGT Urbas and SSG Hillman

We are all living proof that we can be educated through osmosis....

This was a typical scene on the school bus
CLUB 8400
This is what we called it on our off-time. Sometimes we sat around, sometimes we went bowling or shopping, and if motivated enough maybe we were even productive and went for some extra PT (really!)... We only have sitting around pictures though, hehe

Chad and Jerry

Heres me and my buddy Steve from Philly